Monday, 9 December 2013


The best part of this parcel were the letters in small navy envelopes. On the front of every envelope was a small message with the words 'open with..' so he could choose one whenever he needed to. I printed a few images to include inside, or a ticket from a day out and then wrote a message to go with them too. In the 'open if you want to know a secret' envelope i included two images which told of how i will wait and that he is worth all of this. Which he is, in the grand scheme of things this is nothing. 

Wotsis, Zombie fingers edition
Spiders x 2
Reeses Halloween edition
Scared Shrekless dvd
Ghostbusters dvd
Witches hair sweets
Frankenstein mask
Vampire teeth
Halloween chattering teeth
Eyeball sweets
Jelly Halloween sweets
Glow in the dark skeleton
7 envelopes & love letters

You are missing from me

You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.

I’m pretty sure I started making this parcel when he was still in the country. It all started after he told me he would have his laptop with him so he could watch DVDs and that series would be a good thing to send. So I bought a series of planet earth and two of the big bang theory (I had previously told him in Tescos a week before not to buy those as I thought it was terrible and because I already had a plan) and a theme seemed to emerge – space. I work in a childrens shop so I have a huge selection of shoe boxes to choose from (and hide all around the house in care package preparation) and in the middle of the night I suddenly wanted to paint and to draw all the stars and constellations for him. I know he loved it and I got a letter explaining just how much he did a week or so later. So this is where the care package story begins.

 Painting constellations on the lid of the shoe box 

A quote by e.e. cummings which i spotted on Pinterest, i absolutely adore that website. 
I painted this so it would go in a small envelope and keep within the theme. 

 Who knew there were so many space themed chocolates!
I owe all of this knowledge to Laura at work who helped 
me brain storm on one quiet afternoon..! Thank you. 

This was my first dilemma, I even text someone to ask how to package the parcel! 
Thankfully Tilly helped and told me to just wrap it up in paper very securely.
I was also informed about the customs form where i had to declare what i was sending, 
it somewhat ruins the surprise of whats inside but i suppose it is unwrapped quickly anyway.

The big bang theory, series 1
The big bang theory, series 2
Planet Earth dvds
Space playing cards
Plane 3D puzzle
Space childrens toy
Space raiders x 2
Milky way
Magic Stars
Star bar
You are my sun, my moon and all my stars painting.
Short love letter.